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Frosty Mod Manager Battlefront Plus - Kyber KyberBrowser


Installing Mods in Frosty

  1. Extract all files from the downloaded file into a new folder.

  2. Launch the FrostyModManager.exe application. Most users will need to run it as administrator.

  3. Select STAR WARS Battlefront II. (If you do not see it, click the "Scan for games" button on the bottom left corner of the window, or click "New" and manually locate Battlefront II’s main exe file)

  4. In Frosty Mod Manager, click Add Mod(s) in the upper left corner and select the downloaded Battlefront Plus .zip file.1

  5. Battlefront Plus now appears in the left-hand column of Frosty. Add them to your load order in the right-hand column by clicking Apply Mod(s).

  6. Setup your modlist with other mods if you choose, and then click Launch to generate the final ModData. This process takes a few minutes and can be very CPU intensive for your device.

    a. Remember the name of the Pack that you have selected2.

Setting up KyberBrowser & the Invisibility Fix

The invisibility fix can either be applied using KyberBrowser or through a Plugin.

  1. Launch the KyberBrowser application.

  2. Click on the settings wheel3 in the lower right corner.

  3. In the dropdown in the lower right corner, select the pack you generated earlier, press Install InitfsFix, and click on OK.

    a. If you own a Battlefront copy from Epic Games, also select Datapath Fix as the Launch Fix.

  4. Close the Settings window.

Using KyberBrowser

To Join a Server:
  • Click on a server, select the correct pack in the dropdown, and press PLAY
To Create & Host a Server:
  • Click on the + button4 in the lower right corner, fill in the information, select the correct pack in the dropdown, and press PLAY

Instant Action


Frosty Mod Manager Battlefront Plus - IAO XL BetterInitfs


Installing Mods in Frosty

  1. Extract all files from the downloaded file into a new folder.

  2. Launch the FrostyModManager.exe application. Most users will need to run it as administrator.

  3. Select STAR WARS Battlefront II. (If you do not see it, click the "Scan for games" button on the bottom left corner of the window, or click "New" and manually locate Battlefront II’s main exe file)

  4. In Frosty Mod Manager, click Add Mod(s) in the upper left corner and select the downloaded Battlefront Plus and IAO XL .zip files. You do not need to unzip/open downloaded mods.

  5. Battlefront Plus and IAO XL now appear in the left-hand column of Frosty. Add them to your load order in the right-hand column by clicking Apply Mod(s).

  6. IAO XL is placed in a way so that it has a lower priority5

  7. Now press Launch to start the game. The first time, and after every change to your load order, this process takes a few minutes and can be very CPU intensive for your device.

Installing BetterInitfs / Invisibility Fix

  1. Download the latest version of BetterInitfs.

  2. Unzip the downloaded .zip file and copy the BetterInitfsPlugin.dll file into the Plugins folder.

  3. Launch Frosty Mod Manager.

  4. Click on the Tools menu at the top and select BetterInitfs.

  5. Select desired options and the ModData folder in the dropdown and click Save.

    • InvisibilityFix - Fixes invisibility issues with large modpacks, REQUIRED for Battlefront+

    • Full Resolution Reflections - Screen space reflections will now be rendered at full resolution instead of half resolution, improving visual quality.

    • Full Resolution Depth of Field - Depth of Field effects (used for the background in No Holograms Remastered) will now be rendered at full resolution instead of half resolution, improving visual quality.

    • Disable HDR - Prevents HDR from being enabled in your game as the ingame setting may not work for some people.


  1. You do not need to unzip/open downloaded mods 

  2. Shown to the left of the Launch button 

  3. Keyboard Shortcut: F12 

  4. Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+N 

  5. With Frosty set to List (default) it is placed above Battlefront Plus, with Priority it is placed below.