Star Cards
Each of the four base classes boasts an array of new Star Cards, creating new ways to play as the Troopers. Instill your enemies with dread with Dead Man's Switch, torch the halls with the heavy Flamethrower, or support your allies with the Medical Droid and Gonk Droid. Tailor each of the new heroes featured in Battlefront Plus to your liking, with each of them packing their own set of custom Star Cards to allow players to enhance their playstyles with improved stats and ability combos.
Hint: Hover over images to reveal Star Card descriptions
All Classes
Tough Fighter
Defeating enemies will briefly grant damage resistance.Assault
Rocket Launcher
The ROCKET LAUNCHER fires an explosive projectile.Officer
Mechanical Companion
While your RIGHT ABILITY is active, you will slowly regenerate health.Specialist
Sentinel Defense Master
The Sentinel's defensive ability is stronger.Heroes
Great Stride
The active time of MORAL SPIRIT is extended.Skywalker's Student
The recharge time of SABER THROW is reduced.Cal Kestis
Captain Rex
Outranking Experience
Increases the radius of UNCONVENTIONAL TACTICS.Commander Cody
Ion Capacitors
The radius of ION FIELD is increased.You'll Be Needing This
The cooldown of ENERGY WALL is reduced.Din Djarin
Nothing but Trouble
While evading, Hunter has increased damage resistance.Rush Them Head On
COMBAT PROWESS grants additional bonus health and lasts slightly longer.Wasn't Gonna Hurt Ya
Hunter's STUN MODE builds less heat when fired.We Do What We Do
Hunter's health regeneration is faster and starts sooner.Maz Kanata
Nien Nunb
Brave Sullustan
Nien Nunb's maximum health is increased.Expert Weapons Handling
The cooling success states on Nien Nunb's DH-17 are longer.Padmé Amidala
Power Efficiency
R2-D2 has a shorter recharge time.Inspirational
Increases the radius of ROYAL RESOLVE.Shriv Suurgav
Personal Space
Shriv's REPULSOR CANNON fires additional projectiles.Villains
Asajj Ventress
Talzin's Protection
Asajj Ventress has increased maximum health regeneration.Suspenseful Grip
FORCE GRASP has one extra use.Captain Cardinal
Ensuring Progress
Lessens the vulnerability penalty from ABSOLUTION.Commander Pyre
Commanding Shine
The bonus health awarded by GOLD ZONE is increased.Maintaining Order
The recharge time of SEIZE THIS MOMENT is reduced.None of Your Concern
Commander Pyre's health regeneration is faster and starts sooner.Dagan Gera
Can't Hide From Me
The radius of ILLUSION will not decay for a short delay.Dengar
Job Ready
Dengar has increased maximum health.Spraying Bolts
Extends the duration of FRENZIED BLAST.Gideon Hask
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Strategic Mastery
The radius of DIRECT COMMAND increases while the ability is active.Test Their Mettle
CHIMAERA STRIKE recharges faster.Momentary Setback
Thrawn's health regeneration is faster and begins sooner.Greedo
Measured Confidence
Greedo's CONFIDENCE BOOST has a shorter duration and recharge time.Ma Klounkee
Greedo's DT-12 builds less heat when firing.Jango Fett
No Mistakes This Time
Eliminating an enemy affected by SABERDART will grant Jango an extensive recharge bonus.Just a Simple Man
ADAPTIVE ARMOR has an increased detection radius.Second Sister
Like All the Others
The Second Sister replenishes even more health from FORCE DRAIN.I Expected More
The Second Sister's maximum health is increased.Hint: Hover over images to reveal names and descriptions