Battlefront+ v10 Announcement
Hello there, welcome back to another Community Update for Battlefront Plus! We know it’s been a very long time since the last content drop (over a year), but we’ve been hard at work on our grandest update yet, with even greater things to come down the road. Without any further delay, let's dive right in to what you can expect from the upcoming dual-release of Kyber V2 and Battlefront+ V10.
Our longtime partners at Armchair Developers have been hard at work on creating Kyber V2, a private server system for Battlefront II, now featuring a suite of new and improved features from the original release, such as dedicated 24/7 servers, built-in mod browser with hands-free installation, proximity voice chat, stats tracking, and more.
Frosty Mod Manager is no longer supported. Going forward, Battlefront Plus will be launched exclusively through Kyber V2's built-in mod browser for its quick and easy installation. Battlefront Plus will now also support Kyber private servers and Instant Action with a single version, allowing players to freely swap between online and offline play whenever they choose, just as it is in vanilla.
Arcade has received substantial improvements to its gameplay and stability, creating more interesting ways to play fully offline and in split-screen coop. Autoplayers have replaced BattleAI, greatly increasing the capabilities of the bots and even allowing them to spawn in as Reinforcements and Heroes.
Onslaught has been overhauled into a survival-type mode. There is no victory, you simply must fight for as long as you can against an increasingly strong enemy force until they either overwhelm you or you give up.
Many of the base game maps have been given new daytime and weather variants. Bask in the beauty of glowing flora during a Felucian night , brace for irritation in
Jakku's sandstorm, battle under
Kashyyyk's cloud cover just like in Revenge of the Sith, and so much more.
To that end, many of the game's existing daytime and weather variants that were absent from Supremacy have now been added, such as Naboo during the afternoon.
As is tradition with each Battlefront+ update, the trooper arsenal has been expanded with a variety of new weapons. Taking things a step further this time, however, we've also added a third attachment to all of the custom blasters in the game.
High-powered marksman blaster that is as ancient and durable as its people.
Seeker Tactics
Night Vision
Critical Shot
Slow but powerful three-round bursts from a simple yet elegant weapon.
Critical Shot
Seeker Tactics
Multi-functional blaster that alternates between a slow tri-shot while firing from the hip and a repeater mode while zoomed in.
Seeker Tactics
Burst Mode
DL-21 Sidearm
Light blaster with a moderate rate of fire and accuracy.
Night Vision
Repeating Mode
Snub-barreled hold-out pistol with an unmatched rate of fire.
Light Shot
Focused Fire
Escape Artist
TG-446 Sidearm
Double-barreled quickdraw blaster.
Improved Zoom
Light Shot
WESTAR-35 Sidearm
Consistent, accurate, and packs a punch - everything expected of a Mandalorian weapon.
Burst Fire
Ion Shot
Deliver a proton torpedo to a macrobinocular-marked position.

Mechanical Companion
While your RIGHT ABILITY is active, you will slowly regenerate health.Specialist
High rate of fire meets pinpoint accuracy, but it has the lowest blaster power in its class.
Burst Mode
Critical Shot
Escape Artist
More appearances, new and nostalgic, have been added than ever before, expanding greatly upon the options for Troopers, Reinforcements, and Heroes.
Galactic Republic

Kamino Security

41st Elite Corps





104th Battalion

Bomb Squad

Horn Company

Outer Rim Garrison

Rancor Battalion

Riot Trooper

Scout Trooper

332nd Company
Clone Jet Trooper

Clone Jet Trooper

Clone Sharpshooter

Night Ops
Clone Commando

Royal Guard
Clone Commando

Clone Commando
Separatist Alliance

Bedlam Raider


Weapons Factory



Shuttle Pilot



AAT Driver


Field Commander


Speeder Pilot

B2 Super Battle Droid
Rebel Alliance

Blue Squadron
Rebel Pilot

Y-Wing Pilot
Rebel Pilot
Galactic Empire

Army Security


Weapons Technician

Stormtrooper Commander

Navy Trooper

Star Tours
Imperial Jumptrooper

Light Equipment
Death Trooper

Shadow Guard
Royal Guard

Light Armor
Royal Guard

Royal Guard

Shock Trooper

Viper Probe Droid
First Order


Riot Control Trooper

Stormtrooper Commander

Cal Kestis

Cal Kestis

Cal Kestis


Life Day

Commander Cody


Han Solo

High Roller
Lando Calrissian

Bespin Escape
Leia Organa

Luke Skywalker

Training Helmet
Luke Skywalker

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Boba Fett

Boba Fett

Hardened Warrior
Darth Maul

Sith Lord
Emperor Palpatine
Although we aren't introducing any new new Reinforcements with this release, we have continued revisiting some of our oldest added units, bringing them new and improved abilities along with updated appearances, as well as introducing a new class.

Updated - Namara
Rebel Saboteur

Updated - Specialist
Death Trooper

Updated - Ceremonial Robes
Royal Guard

Updated - Klatoonian

Updated - Enforcer
Guavian Security

Updated - Stormtrooper
Stormtrooper Commander
One of our biggest changes comes in the form of the SENTINEL Reinforcement class, which accounts for custom units whose primary form of attack is melee combat. This comes complete with a full set of custom Star Cards and now encompasses the Gungan Warrior, MagnaGuard Protector, and Riot Control Trooper. In the future, we plan to create more reinforcements for this class, providing unique melee characters to every faction in the game.

Sentinel Defense Master
The Sentinel's defensive ability is stronger.The Honor Guard and Shock Trooper are some of the oldest custom reinforcements ever made and are first up on our round of changes. Both are once again Enforcers, reacquiring all of the appropriate Star Cards. For the Honor Guard, the A280-CFE has been replaced with the
CONCUSSION MINE, a proximity-triggered explosive device that is light on damage, but will knock back and daze enemies. As for the Shock Trooper, per very popular request, the primary blaster has been swapped back to the DLT-19, with the
SE-14c being moved to the left ability, replacing the
BACTA GRENADE. As an added mechanic, enemies caught within the electric smoke of the
SHOCK LAUNCHER are slowed down and will sustain severe damage if affected by any abilities which disrupt blasters.
Many of our Infiltrators have been reworked, starting with the Rebel Saboteur. She boasts a completely new look and a revamped her scanner ability. When activating the REBEL INTEL ability, it will initiate a scan pulse every few seconds, starting at just two pulses in total. Each enemy defeated by her
TRUNCHEON ATTACK will increase the number of total scan pulses by one.
Next is the Smuggler, who's also sporting a new look alongside new and reworked abilities. Instead of the SHOULDER CHARGE, which we found to be redundant within the Resistance faction, the Smuggler can now throw a
BOTTLE BOMB to spew fire over a small area. The
DATA THEFT ability will initiate one scan pulse to reveal enemies for an extended duration. The radius starts off small for a scanner, requiring the elimination of revealed enemies to increase it.
As for the Aqua Droid, the RECON ability has been replaced with
TRIDENT PURSUENT, which replenishes health and abilities by attacking a marked enemy. Defeating your target will significantly reduce the cooldown of your next use of the ability. An added mechanic for
SONAR SCAN will increase the reveal duration if the ability is used three times in a short time, synergizing well with
TRIDENT PURSUENT. Then, for the Aqua Droid's last ability,
SPEARHEAD will increase your damage output towards anybody affected by either of the other two abilities.
Replacing the ARC Trooper's SHIELD RUSH ability is
BLASTER BARRAGE, which unleashes a deadly hail of blaster fire from his dual pistols. For each enemy defeated with the ability, the duration of its next use will increase by one second.
The Purge Trooper Commander now features his own voicelines and, like with the other Infiltrators mentioned so far, has also received an updated scanner ability, as INQUISITION will now activate a singular pulse to reveal enemies in a large radius for an extended duration. That duration is doubled if any Jedi are detected.
Last up for our Infiltrators is the Viper Probe Droid, which sees its SELF-DESTRUCT revamped, where upon 6 seconds from activation or death while active, it will explode. Replacing the old
MECHANICAL COMPANION ability is a two-shot burst
SMOKE GRENADE launcher to obscure the enemy's vision. Best of all, after being teased over 2 years ago, the Probe Droid will rotate its head independently from its body.
Now for the rest of our updated Enforcers. The Combat Engineer and Tactical Droid have both received new abilities inspired by the HAADs from the classic games, replacing the SUPERCOOLING GRENADE and
ENHANCED SQUAD SHIELD respectively. Regarding the former, picking up the
FIELD KIT will restore health and refresh abilities. As for the latter, the
RESUPPLY KITS will drop three boxes which instantly refresh abilities.
The Rebel Commando is unique for its limited supply, but the implementation was incomplete and didn't fit the nature of the game. To fix this, defeating enemies now has a chance of restoring one use of the STIM PACKS ability, with the amount available indicated by the
STIMS meter below the rest of the abilities. Similarly, the
MICROGRENADE LAUNCHER has a chance of being fully resupplied for each defeated enemy and can be unequipped and re-equipped at any time, so long as ammo is available. Replacing the
REPEATER ability is the
RESUPPLY FLARE, which refreshes abilities and speeds up recharge times for nearby allies, along with instantly refilling the
MICROGRENADE LAUNCHER abilities. As well, the Relby V-10 has been swapped out for the T-39P, establishing them as a dominant force in close quarters with a rapid-fire blaster.
For the Death Trooper, the ADVANCED SENSORS ability has been replaced with
FIRING SQUAD, an aura which grants the user and nearby allies increased headshot damage. The
OPERATIVE ability, formerly called
MARKSMAN RUSH, has been remade to buff its DLT-19D, jam nearby enemy radars, and will no longer apply a sprint speed boost.
The Royal Guards are finally in possession of their special melee weapons, with the SINISTER STRIKES ability replacing
BURST MODE. Additionally, the primary blaster has been swapped for the S-195, a semi-automatic double-barreled pistol with a high rate of fire.
The Resistance Rocket-Jumper has had its abilities remade around her already existing blaster, the A180 RIFLE. The SNIPER MODE takes the place of the
CYCLER RIFLE, largely functioning the same but with the added bonus of instantly refreshing the ability if it is used to defeat an enemy with a headshot. As for the
CONCUSSION DART, it has been replaced by the
ION LAUNCHER MODE, a charge-up explosive weapon effective against shields, vehicles, and groups of enemies.
The First Order Flametrooper's INCENDIARY SPLITTER has been replaced with
INFERNAL RESTORATION, which grants rapid health regeneration for a duration dependent on how many enemies were defeated prior to activation.
The Guavian Security has had its RESERVOIR system has been remade from the ground up to be a shared resource meter, allowing for multiple abilities to be simultaneously active at the cost of faster drain rates, and as well they can be activated at any time as opposed to requiring the meter to be fully refilled. The
RESERVOIR will replenish on its own a moment after all abilities have become inactive and will forcefully deactivate them if it's fully depleted.
As we've done with our older Reinforcements, we've also taken to revisiting some of the existing heroes.
The Mandalorian, Din Djarin, receives a new GRAPPLE STRIKE ability, replacing his old
THERMAL VISION ability. When activated, he fires his grappling hook at an enemy, rapidly pulling himself to them with an attack that knocks them to the ground. To go with this, his EVASION Star Card has been replaced with EXTENSION CORD, which will extend the targeting range of his
Jango Fett also receives some updates to his kit, with ADAPTIVE ARMOR replacing the
COLLECTING BOUNTIES ability. The intention is to reward taking higher risks, as this new ability will boost Jango's health based on the amount of enemies that were nearby upon its activation; larger groups grant a higher bonus, up to a maximum. To maintain relevance, the JUST A SIMPLE MAN Star Card has also been adjusted to increase the detection radius of
Captain Rex's GENERATION ONE has been revamped to grant him damage reduction, with the effect strengthening at lower health values.
Cal Kestis is now accompanied by everyone's favorite buddy droid, BD-1, who will be perched atop his back just as would be expected.
To go with his new SITH LORD appearance, Palpatine has been added to the hero roster for the Separatist Alliance, making him available to the Dark Side in all Age of the Republic maps.
In the interest of keeping the eras distinct from each other, Gideon Hask has been restricted to the Age of Resistance, with a new hero taking his place in the Age of Rebellion as you'll soon see. To that end, Hask's INFERNO SQUAD appearance has been removed as well.
We've also taken the time to fix all of the broken abilities and Star Cards from the base game, such as incorrect positions whenever using Yoda's PRESENCE, Bossk's
SPREADING THE DISEASE Star Card doing nothing, and much more. Many of these former issues may be recognizable from this infamous Reddit post.
Battlefront+ V10 introduces the most heroes added yet, bringing in some of the community's most desired characters and at long last fulfilling two promises of our own.
Sergeant Hunter of Clone Force 99, also known as the "Bad Batch," brings his unique skills to the fight against the Droid Army. Gifted with ENHANCED SENSES by genetic mutations, Hunter is an expert tracker who is constantly able to see enemy footsteps.
With a DC-17 in one hand and his VIBRO-KNIFE in the other, Hunter is well-equipped for eliminating hostiles in close quarters combat.
Setting his blaster to STUN MODE enables Hunter to create openings and punish carelessly aggressive combatants. The first two hits on an opponent will stagger them and the third will knock them to the ground with increased damage, leaving them vulnerable to attack.
To close the distance and remain in the fight, Hunter's COMBAT PROWESS can be used to boost his health, increase his sprint speed, and make him immune to crowd control abilities.

Nothing but Trouble
While evading, Hunter has increased damage resistance.
Rush Them Head On
COMBAT PROWESS grants additional bonus health and lasts slightly longer.
Wasn't Gonna Hurt Ya
Hunter's STUN MODE builds less heat when fired.
We Do What We Do
Hunter's health regeneration is faster and starts sooner.BE NEGOTIABLE
Unyielding in the fight for a better galaxy, Padmé Amidala joins the Battlefront at last. Her ELG-3A hold-out blaster packs a punch, but when Padmé uses OVERCHARGE she temporarily upgrades the pistol's power level. Each consecutive activation, up to three times, will increase the blaster’s damage, before returning to normal when the timer ends.
Padmé's ROYAL RESOLVE inspires her allies to rally together, granting herself and those nearby a small healing aura.
Lastly, Padmé calls R2-D2 into action to assist her team with improved capture point speed, radar scan, smoke grenades, and shock attacks. So long as R2 is deployed, Padmé can also use interactable objectives faster wherever she is.

Power Efficiency
R2-D2 has a shorter recharge time.
Increases the radius of ROYAL RESOLVE.- Appearances:
- ARENA - Padmé’s outfit during her mission with Anakin Skywalker to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi on Geonosis.
- RIPPED - Padmé’s outfit on Geonosis, torn by a Nexu attacking her in the Petranaki Arena.
Joining the fight against the Empire is Nightsister Merrin. As one of the last living members of her people, she has mastered the arts of wielding Magick and taken to using her abilities to help those in need across the galaxy.
Merrin’s kit focuses on adaptability, which is emphasized by her POWER METER. Attacking enemies will fill up a special meter to indicate Merrin's power level, up to a maximum of five, improving her abilities.
MERRIN’S SPEAR, with its distinctive green trails of flowing Magick, is her primary weapon for dispatching enemies.
With her MAGICK ROOTS ability, Merrin locks down a targeted opponent, as well as any others within the immediate vicinity. With each level of her
POWER METER, the damage inflicted is increased.
To obliterate ranged enemies, Merrin can cast a FIREBALL, fully consuming her
POWER METER for a destructive impact which scales with her power level.
An effective method for closing distance and causing chaos is TELEPORTATION, which has Merrin momentarily disappear in a dash forward, making her immune to all forms of attack, and rematerializing a moment later.
- Appearances:
- SURVIVOR - Merrin’s outfit throughout Jedi Survivor.
- NIGHTSISTER - The traditional robes of Merrin’s people on Dathomir, as seen throughout Jedi Fallen Order.
- WITCH - Merrin's traditional robes outfitted with a hood and cape.
First announced over two years ago, Asajj Ventress has been one of our most anticipated heroes, and we’re happy to announce that she will finally be joining the Separatists as their first new lightsaber hero, wielding her iconic DUAL LIGHTSABERS.
In taking inspiration from her kit from the original Battlefront II (2005), Ventress' first ability is her STARBLADES, which will throw a projectile that deflects off surfaces and damages enemies on impact.
Ventress’ signature ability draws on her Nightsister roots, as VANISH will cloak her in Magick Ichor, turning her completely invisible. When attacking from this state, she will reveal herself with a devastating critical strike.
With her FORCE GRASP ability, Ventress can suspend an enemy in the air for several seconds, leaving them vulnerable to attack.

Talzin's Protection
Asajj Ventress has increased maximum health regeneration.
Suspenseful Grip
FORCE GRASP has one extra use.- Appearances:
- ASSASSIN - Ventress’ apparel during her final days of service to Count Dooku.
- LEGACY - Ghastly white eyes based on Ventress’ original appearance in the Clone Wars 2003 micro-series.
The fourth hero to be added from the Jedi series is Dagan Gera, joining the Separatists and the Galactic Empire. A renowned and ambitious Jedi Knight of the High Republic, Dagan’s obsession turned him to the Dark Side, costing him a limb and hundreds of years in stasis. Released from his hold, Dagan came into conflict with the Jedi survivor Cal Kestis.
Despite missing his right arm, he continued to display mastery in wielding a LIGHTSABER and the Force. With his FORCE ILLUSION ability active, Dagan will daze and confuse nearby enemies while switching to a more aggressive dual-wield stance with better attack stamina and lower defense.
By planting a FORCE BOMB into the ground, he ensures that his vicinity will be empty of enemies, one way or another.
Lastly, with his FORCE ORBS ability, Dagan summons a volley of projectiles that slowly seek out enemies ahead.

Can't Hide From Me
The radius of ILLUSION will not decay for a short delay.- Appearances:
- FALLEN KNIGHT - Dagan Gera’s High Republic Jedi robes with his crimson red saber.
- AWAKENING - Released from centuries in stasis, Dagan bled the crystal in his lightsaber.
- OBSESSION - High Republic Jedi robes with Dagan’s saber emitting a yellow blade.
- RETURN - Fresh out of the Bacta Tank, as Dagan ignited the yellow blade of his saber.
Grand Admiral Thrawn personally deploys to the battlefront to orchestrate the battle, guarding himself a two-round burst RK-3.
As a military mastermind of legend, it was an important challenge to emphasize Thrawn's role as a exceptional tactician. KNOW THE ENEMY serves to turn the opponent's strategies against themselves, revealing Thrawn's attackers to his entire team and inflicting them with weakness, an effect which strengthens as he withstands their assault. Enduring enough attacks will inflict greater weakness on all enemies within a massive radius and inhibit their abilities.
Thrawn can support himself and nearby allies with DIRECT COMMAND, granting healing and damage resistance that improves, to a maximum, based on how many units are affected.
To utterly devastate and demoralize the enemy, Thrawn can mark an area with macrobinoculars to call in a CHIMAERA STRIKE - an orbital bombardment from his personal Star Destroyer. Alternatively, if the marked area is indoors, nearby enemies will be spotted and blocked from capturing zones, with success rewarding Thrawn with a recharge bonus.

Strategic Mastery
The radius of DIRECT COMMAND increases while the ability is active.
Test Their Mettle
CHIMAERA STRIKE recharges faster.
Momentary Setback
Thrawn's health regeneration is faster and begins sooner.- Appearances:
- GRAND ADMIRAL - Thrawn's distinctive white uniform, decorated with golden epaulets.
- COMBAT ARMOR - Protective gear worn over Thrawn's uniform when he personally oversaw ground battles.
In 2020, DICE concluded their support for Battlefront II with the Battle of Scarif update. We've come a long way since then and we've realized our vision for Battlefront II is far from complete. In the months to come, Battlefront+ and Kyber V2 will be going farther than ever, as we take our first steps into the realm of new maps and gamemodes, alongside the usual assortment of additional weapons, appearances, and characters.
There was a ton to cover in this Community Update and there will certainly be more in the future, but for now, that's all we have to announce. We know people have long been eager for the dual-release of Kyber V2 and Battlefront+ V10, and while we're not ready to give you a date,
This is a new dawn for Battlefront II. To all who've stuck with us these past couple years, to the new and returning players, thank you very much for all your support. We know how eager you are for the dual-release of Kyber V2 and Battlefront+ V10. These projects have been in development for a long time now and we want to put forth something all of us in this community can be proud of, which means a stable and feature-rich release that has been thoroughly tested. While we do not have a public release date to announce at this time, believe us when we say we're just as excited as you are.
We'll see you again on the Battlefront soon. Now for old time's sake...
Punch it.